Ernie & Bert's Marriage Petition

YES, we can make a difference! Dare to dream of a world where all children feel included. If you support equality, please sign our petition to let Ernie & Bert get married on Sesame Street, and/or to include a same-sex couple on the show.
1) click the icons above to share this petition to Sesame Street
2) click here to sign it.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
If we get 10,000 signatures on this petition, we will hold a free, fun &
inspiring global event on-line called "Ernie & Bert's Wedding".
Dear Sesame Street Leaders,
Yes! You can inspire freedom and pride worldwide, and even save young lives. We applaud you for promting intercultural respect and understanding to over 120 million children every year. Dare to dream of a world where all children feel included. We would also like to see you promote respect and understanding towards people of various sexual orientations and gender identities. Please let Ernie & Bert get married, or show a same-sex couple on the show. Love is love. Thank you. Signed, click here to sign it.
1) click the icons above to share this petition to Sesame Street
2) click here to sign it.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
If we get 10,000 signatures on this petition, we will hold a free, fun &
inspiring global event on-line called "Ernie & Bert's Wedding".
Dear Sesame Street Leaders,
Yes! You can inspire freedom and pride worldwide, and even save young lives. We applaud you for promting intercultural respect and understanding to over 120 million children every year. Dare to dream of a world where all children feel included. We would also like to see you promote respect and understanding towards people of various sexual orientations and gender identities. Please let Ernie & Bert get married, or show a same-sex couple on the show. Love is love. Thank you. Signed, click here to sign it.