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Enjoy great love, friendship & fun! Create heart connections that nurture your health and relationships. Please...
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3) click here to give your opinion on OUTstanding Lives retreats & online events and/or speak with OUTstanding Lives founder, Sharon Love, M.Ed..
Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can create a kinder, LGBT-friendlier world.
You're invited to join our FUN interactive summit, so you can...
* enjoy more love, friendships and connection with LGBT-friendly people
* boost your health, energy and vitality by creating fun friendships and deep heart connections
* create great relationships in your personal and/or professional life
* inspire kindness at home, at work and at play
* thrive and/or prosper by inspiring and empowering people
* find out how you can enjoy OUTstanding Love & Friendships Retreats in Guelph and/or Florida
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please click a gold button to reserve your spot now...
Click the button to join our interactive summit to...
* inspire kindness at home, at work and at play with The 3 Laws of Love & Friendship
* discover The #1 Psychological Secret to HEART Connection, Love & Friendship
* boost your health, energy & vitality with The 4 Keys to Your Inspiring GREAT Purpose
* Have fun and create great relationships with Three "Golden Ticket" Questions
* learn more about our upcoming retreats in Guelph and Florida
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please click a gold button to reserve your spot now...
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please click a gold button to reserve your spot now...

Join us to enjoy OUTstanding Lives, Love & Friendship. Discover the secrets that enabled Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) to overcome near-mute shyness, give live presentations to thousands of people in English, French and Spanish, inspire over 2,000,000 people online, and attract over $6,000,000 with a single presentation.
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please click a gold button to reserve your spot now...
Join us to enjoy OUTstanding Lives, Love & Friendship. Discover the secrets that enabled Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) to overcome near-mute shyness, give live presentations to thousands of people in English, French and Spanish, inspire over 2,000,000 people online, and attract over $6,000,000 with a single presentation.
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please click a gold button to reserve your spot now...