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Inspire people * speak live or online * earn great money * save 10+ years
* VALUE YOURSELF HIGHLY! According to Wikipedia, $10,000 / hour is the LOWER limit for professional speaking (you can Google "Speaker fees" if this surprises you. Famous people (politicians, authors, and celebrities) can earn MORE more than that for professional speaking. You do NOT need to be famous, brilliant, or even totally confident. You are more valuable than you think.
For example, Les Brown was labelled "educable mentally retarded" as a child. Now, he charges $125,000 per one-hour talk.
**The speaking industry desperately needs more LGBT-friendly speakers (who are friendly and open-minded towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans). Many highly-paid professional speakers still make heterosexist mistakes that exclude their LGBT and LGBT-friendly audience members.
travel & earn if you want * empower people * get paid to market yourself * inspire loved ones
make a difference * attract great clients * do what you love * thrive & change lives
Hi, my name is Sharon Love, and I’d like to give you something worth MORE than $1,000,000,000. I’d like to give you The 3 Gold Keys Your GREAT Life Purpose. In other words, I'd like to give you The 3 Gold Keys to you Your Billionaire Brand.
If you would like to make great money by making a difference, you are invited to subscribe to get instant access to the The 3 Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand. I have used these 3 Gold Keys to overcome near-mute shyness, inspire thousands with her live presentations, attract over 2,000,000 people to my online programs, and help one of my clients attract $4.8 million with a single presentation.
With Your Billionaire Brand, you can you do what you love, and make great money by making a difference, creating a billion dollars worth of VALUE for yourself and your world. With Your Billionaire Brand, you can inspire and empower millions of people, live or online. With Your Billionaire Brand, you profit from presenting. Most important... with Your Billionaire Brand, you win with Your HEART.