How Gay is Your Work? You deserve work that makes you happy & gay! …even if you’re straight*! You’re invited to take this 30 -second quiz from OUTstanding to find out how gay your work is. Rate each statement
0 (disagree), 1(agree somewhat), or 2 (strongly agree)… Ready? 1) ____ Your work is fun & it makes a difference. 2) ____ Your work supports gay & LGBTF equality. 3) ____ The people you work with make you happy & gay (yes, even if you’re straight*). 4) ____ Your income makes you so happy& gay, you sing Madonna or show tunes 5) ____ Your amount of time off makes you fabulously happy & gay Now, total your responses. If you scored: If You Scored 0-4 … Hugs, Honey, you are sooooo not over the rainbow about your job. You are probably frustrated, anxious, resentful, and/or depressed about your work. Overworked, Underpaid. Struggling to find meaning in your job. If you are LGBTQQI2SF (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Inter-sex, Two-spirited or Friendly), you may be stuck in the closet. Suffocating. You really need a quick & easy plan B that you can start on the side. You are invited to launch Your OUTstanding Online Gay Job today. With even five minutes per day, you can get the system to earn money supporting equality! Click here to join . . . If You Scored 5-9…
Unlike Ricky Martin, you are not quite livin’ La Vida Loca yet. A gay job on the side could help you increase the money and meaning in your work. You are invited to launch Your OUTstanding Online Gay Job today. Just click those ruby slippers! I mean, click here to join . . . If You Scored 10…
Faaaaaaabulous! You loooove your fabulous gay job. You are probably either Ellen DeGeneres or Kd Lang. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But here’s my number. Call me, Baby! Why are you doing a quiz? If you’d like even more awesome work opportunities to enjoy in your abundant time off, you can click here to join (or just to give back to the community by donating to support our gay & LGBT teen self-esteem videos)… Thank you for taking the OUTstanding quiz. With even
five minutes per day, you can launch Your OUTstanding Online Gay Job today. Yes, you are welcome to join, even if you’re straight! I’m very open-minded. Some of my best friends are straight! You Can Start Your OUTstanding Online Gay Job Today! Would you like to ...earn money supporting equality? … Inspire self-esteem gay & LGBTF teens, and save young lives? …support same-sex marriage worldwide? … get paid to inspire people online? … make a living by making a difference? …join an online team of like-minded people? …enjoy a fun, easy online system created by the creator of the 2 million member facebook group for same-sex marriage? … help support the Outstanding teen self-esteem videos for a donation of just $2 or more? If you answered “yes” to all these questions, you are invited to launch Your OUTstanding Online Gay Job today! When you donate and join, you will get an affiliate program & training system you can launch today … · Your own private affiliate earning link that pays you 50% when your contacts sign up for Your OUTstanding Success online (including the Gay & LGBT Equality Game plus this affiliate program) · Opportunity to earn up to $5,000 per person who registers using your affiliate link · ten inspirational pics you can post online on your social networks · ten equality quiz game pics you can post online on your social networks · fun, motivating paragraphs you can post to your social networks Questions? You can contact Sharon Love by clicking here. |
Program Creator Sharon Love, M.Ed. overcame near-mute shyness and homelessness,
and earned half a million dollars from supporting equality as a speaker If you'd like to make a living by making a difference, click the pic.
If you'd like to earn money by building self-esteem in gay & LGBT teens, click the pic.
If you'd like to earn money by supporting same-sex marriage equality worldwide,
click the pic. If you'd like to travel and earn money supporting equality, click the pic.
If you'd like to earn money by changing the world, click the pic.
If you'd like to earn money by showing people that love is love, click the pic.