Could YOU make $10,000 / hour creating an LGBT-friendlier world? Take this 10-second quiz to find out...
If you answered “yes” to at least three of the above questions, you are invited to get a new, free million-dollar professional speaking success secret on the homepage below. Does it surprise you that professional speakers can earn $10,000 /hour or more? If that sound like a crazy amount to earn, it’s not. Here’s the math... If you speak to 200 people in a workplace, and they pay you $50 per person, you will earn $10,000. If you help them with change management, leadership, teamwork, customer service & loyalty, sales, or success, you will give them huge value that can be worth millions to them. If you view the second video on my homepage below , you will find a Wikipedia quote explaining that $10,000 / hour is considered the lower limit for professional speakers, and that famous people can earn much MORE than that. The speaking industry DESPERATELY NEEDS LGBT-friendly speakers. In fact, the world DESPERATELY NEEDS LGBT-friendly speakers. Many highly-paid speakers unintentionally make heterosexist assumptions and comments in their talks. Want to make an even bigger impact? If you can include even a single LGBT-friendly sentence in your talk, you can make a huge difference by influencing your audience and their children, friends, and loved ones. If you give several speeches per year, you can impact thousands or even millions of people. You can change lives. Maybe you can inspire a parent to accept their child. Maybe you can prevent abuse, bullying or homelessness. Maybe you can even save lives. Are you too shy to give live presentations? No problem! You can speak on videos. In fact, you can create online video courses that don’t even show your face. You can see an example of an easy-to-produce slide-show style video at below. It only took me a few minutes to produce that video, but people love it! I invite you to read the new, free million-dollar secret, then enroll in my new online course, “The Three Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand” below. If you are a speaker or entrepreneur (or you want to be), it will save you many years and help you to attract high-paying clients quickly, so you can do what you love. It’s a seven-minute online course for only $7. Why am I giving away so much for so little, you ask? I want to change the world and make it LGBT-friendly. When we were young, my beloved cousin took his own life after he came out to his family. I want to save lives, and I need your help. My work to save lives has inspired over 2,000,000 people so far, and with you, I’d like to inspire 1,000,000,000. If you are LGBT-friendly, and you are serious about making a great living by making a difference, and I want you to join me. To change lives, simply click below. Thanks. You make a difference. Together, we can create a better world. Sharon Love, M.Ed., President OUTstanding and Profit from Presenting |
The Three Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand (special today: online secrets for only $7)
The Three Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand (special today: online secrets for only $7)
* Would you like to inspire and empower people with professional speaking? * Would you like to earn $10,000 /hour or more, (see video below)? * Would you like to... |
Inspire people * speak live or online * earn big money * save 10+ years

travel & earn if you want * empower people * get paid to market yourself * inspire loved ones
make a difference * attract great clients * do what you love * thrive & change lives
Special Today: Learn The Three Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand for only $7...
Would you like Sharon Love's FREE Million-Dollar Professional Speaking Success Secret?
Here it is...
Create a GREAT Vision(TM) that benefits you, other people, and the planet.
For example, my GREAT Vision(TM) is with you, to inspire and empower 1,000,000,000 people to create a more caring, peaceful and prosperous world. Through online courses and one-to-one consulting, I inspire and empower professional speakers to earn great money doing what they love, inspiring and empowering people.
Would you like a question that can save you YEARS, and give you crystal clarity? Here it is...
What if I gave you $1,000,000,000?
What would you do for yourself? What would you do for other people? What would you do for the planet?
Hi, my name is Sharon Love, and I’d like to give you something worth MORE than $1,000,000,000. I’d like to give you The 3 Gold Keys Your GREAT Life Purpose. In other words, I'd like to give you The 3 Gold Keys to you Your Billionaire Brand.
If you would like to make great money by making a difference, you are invited to subscribe to get instant access to the The 3 Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand. I have used these 3 Gold Keys to overcome near-mute shyness, inspire thousands with her live presentations, attract over 2,000,000 people to my online programs, and help one of my clients attract $4.8 million with a single presentation.
With Your Billionaire Brand, you can you do what you love, and make great money by making a difference, creating a billion dollars worth of VALUE for yourself and your world. With Your Billionaire Brand, you can inspire and empower millions of people, live or online. With Your Billionaire Brand, you profit from presenting. Most important... with Your Billionaire Brand, you win with Your HEART.
Click "Buy Now" for instant access...
Special Today:
Learn The Three Gold Keys to Your Billionaire Brand (online secrets) for only $7... |