Love is Love
YES, we can create justice! Dare to dream of a world of equal marriage everywhere. If you support same-sex marriage, please
1) share this page
by clicking the icons above.
2) Click hereto sign our petition.
3) Join us for fun & inspiring activists' events on-line! Click here.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
1) share this page
by clicking the icons above.
2) Click hereto sign our petition.
3) Join us for fun & inspiring activists' events on-line! Click here.
THANKS! YOU make a difference.
Bet We Can Reach
10,000,000 People with New Dance Music Videos
Our new music video, "Love is Love", will get people up on their feet and rocking. It will be sexy. Everyone will sing along to easy, catchy lyrics. It will show that we are a part of the larger community. We are your sister, father, brother, your cousin or your mother. We are everywhere in every way. Someone you love is gay.
It will be the kind of video that a teen
will feel proud to show to their parents to help them come out. They'll say "Mom, dad, this is my community, and we rock!"
If you're not gay after watching this video, you will want to be (lol)! Just kidding. We're just recruiting peope to be friendly. Lesbian chic, here we come!
Musicians, dancers, and videographers, call 416-693-5683 to get involved. Entrepreneurs, executives, activists and cool people, scroll down for opportunities to be OUTstanding. Thanks!
It will be the kind of video that a teen
will feel proud to show to their parents to help them come out. They'll say "Mom, dad, this is my community, and we rock!"
If you're not gay after watching this video, you will want to be (lol)! Just kidding. We're just recruiting peope to be friendly. Lesbian chic, here we come!
Musicians, dancers, and videographers, call 416-693-5683 to get involved. Entrepreneurs, executives, activists and cool people, scroll down for opportunities to be OUTstanding. Thanks!
Be OUTstanding! ($0.99)
Make a difference and earn recognition by publishing your name or business name, website, and ten-word description on our social network an OUTstanding Partner. You can click here to join the brand new OUTstanding Lives Network and post in the OUTstanding Partners group (the one with the sunrise rainbow logo).
Scroll down more OUTstanding partnership opportunities, and to earn recognition for your LGBT-friendly business or charity.
Scroll down more OUTstanding partnership opportunities, and to earn recognition for your LGBT-friendly business or charity.
Be More OUTstanding! ; ) ($9.99)
Make a difference and earn recognition by publishing your name or business name, website, and ten-word description on our social network an OUTstanding Partner. You can click here to join the brand new OUTstanding Lives Network and post in the OUTstanding Earn recognition by publishing your name or business name, website, and 100-word description. As a basic OUTstanding Partner, you also can create a group or a blog on the theme of your business, as long as it inspires pride in the LGBT community.
Partner with us to Attract Gay-Friendly Clients or Employees
You can attract clients and earn community loyalty by partnering on a video that inspires equality. Our first Marriage Pride video, above, won YouTube Honours, and attracted over 25,000 views already (click here). With lyrics by Sharon Love, it includes pics from our 2 million member social network.
* Attract gay-friendly customers and top talent
* Get exposure on the web site as a Silver partner or above. The site gets over 50,000 hits per year.
*Get exposure on YouTube. Our first Marriage Pride video, above, won YouTube Honours and attracted over 25,000 views already
* Save money. Don't advertise at us; simply include and inspire us!
* Attract gay-friendly customers and top talent
* Get exposure on the web site as a Silver partner or above. The site gets over 50,000 hits per year.
*Get exposure on YouTube. Our first Marriage Pride video, above, won YouTube Honours and attracted over 25,000 views already
* Save money. Don't advertise at us; simply include and inspire us!
Bronze OUTstanding Partner ($99.99)
Earn recognition as above, plus get a your name and logo on and 100-word description our web site home page. Include a quote about how or why you support equality.
Partner with us to Support Artists in our Community
OUTstanding Lives Network is a team of LGBTF (Lebian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Friends) musicians, artists, activists and social entrepreneurs making a living from making a difference. Sharon Love, M.Ed. leads the team. Once we reach over $1,000 in funding, we will create the next video. In the meantime, the Introductory and Bronze partners will enjoy recognition on this web site. For more information, call 416-693-5683, office hours EST.
Scroll down for more opportunities to promote your gay-friendly business, charity, or self.
Scroll down for more opportunities to promote your gay-friendly business, charity, or self.
Silver OUTstanding Partner ($999.99)
Earn recognition as above, plus publish your logo and business name on a slide at the end of a rap dance music video similar to the one above (with your input on lyrics and pics).
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics, photos and/or theme to suit your needs.
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics, photos and/or theme to suit your needs.
Gold OUTstanding Partner ($9,999.99)
Earn recognition as above, plus enjoy exclusive partnership on the video itself. Publish your logo and business name on a full slide at the end of a choreographed dance music video with two dancers.
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics, photos and/or theme to suit your needs. Also enjoy a social media and press release to the top LGBT media outlets worldwide. Call Sharon Love, M.Ed. at 416-693-5683 to discuss this option.
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics, photos and/or theme to suit your needs. Also enjoy a social media and press release to the top LGBT media outlets worldwide. Call Sharon Love, M.Ed. at 416-693-5683 to discuss this option.
Platinum OUTstanding Partner ($99,999.99)
Earn recognition as above, on a choreographed dance music video with ten dancers. Enjoy a video launch event for hundreds of people in Toronto, Canada. Earn recognition for donating up to $10,000 to the most popular LGBT charities (your donation is included in the fee).
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics and/or theme to suit your needs. Call Sharon Love, M.Ed. at 416-693-5683 to discuss this option.
If you prefer, we can change the lyrics and/or theme to suit your needs. Call Sharon Love, M.Ed. at 416-693-5683 to discuss this option.
Partner with us to Inspire Pride Worldwide
Vision… Reaching millions through gay-friendly videos that inspire pride.
people (diversity and equality),
passion (love and healthy fun), and the
planet (eco-friendly videos on-line save paper)
Click here to sign up for our gay-friendly e-newsletter with free tips, events & inspiring stories.
If you would like to make an income from making a difference, click here.
To sign our petition supporting same-sex marriage worldwide, click here.
people (diversity and equality),
passion (love and healthy fun), and the
planet (eco-friendly videos on-line save paper)
Click here to sign up for our gay-friendly e-newsletter with free tips, events & inspiring stories.
If you would like to make an income from making a difference, click here.
To sign our petition supporting same-sex marriage worldwide, click here.
Star OUTstanding Partner ($999,999.99)
Earn recognition as above, on a choreographed dance music video with ten dancers and a famous singer. Enjoy a video launch event for hundreds of people in Toronto, Canada. Earn recognition for donating up to $100,000 to the most popular LGBT charities. The donation is included in the fee. If you prefer, we can change the lyrics and/or theme to suit your needs. Call Sharon Love, M.Ed. at 416-693-5683 to discuss this option.
Love is love. To sign the equal marriage petition, please click here.
YES! We can create justice. Dare to dream of a world of equality everywhere. Together, we can create music videos that inspire pride worldwide. We can show people that love is love. We can tell people it's okay to be gay (or LGBT). We can create a sense of belonging. Together, we can even save young lives. You make a difference. Please join us.