Tearful Mom: “You’re Gay? Thank God!!!”
After over thirty years of struggling with his sexual orientation, Joe Knudson decided to come out to his parents. He called them up and said, “I have something to tell you, and I’d like to do it in person.” Knudson’s parents drove five hours to visit him. When they arrived, he sat them down in his living room, and his mother burst into tears. Finally, Knudson managed to say, “I’m gay.”
His mother immediately blurted out, “oh, thank God! I thought you had cancer!”
His parents’ next question was, “how can we make this easier for you?” Overwhelmed with relief, Knudson replied, “just continue to be the loving parents you’ve always been.” That weekend, he introduced his parents to a number of his gay friends. Later, when he met his partner and introduced him to his parents, they adopted him like he was another son.
May all parents have the same supportive, loving response as Knudson's! Click here to enjoy the radio interview.
Living the Difference is a must-read for family and friends of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans) people. For those in the community, the book offers a sense of connection and belonging. Knudson is using his book as a vehicle to promote education, understanding, & acceptance, which will lead to equality, especially in marriage.
J.C. Knudson Lives the Difference, Brings Experience to Memoir of Being Gay in America
Editorial reviews of Knudson's book call Living the Difference "a fascinating journey no gay author has been able to capture to date," "conquering the final frontier of bigotry and prejudice," and "filled with love, hate, joy, sorrow and much more."
Living the Difference is an important resource for young gay men living with fear, shame or self-loathing; or for anyone coming to terms with a friend or family member's coming out. Knudson told his story not to shock, offend or "convert" anyone, but simply to lay out a roadmap for acceptance. The book lights a candle against the darkness of ignorance.
Click here for the Author blog site, The Gayly Blogger.
Click here for the book, Living the Difference.
After over thirty years of struggling with his sexual orientation, Joe Knudson decided to come out to his parents. He called them up and said, “I have something to tell you, and I’d like to do it in person.” Knudson’s parents drove five hours to visit him. When they arrived, he sat them down in his living room, and his mother burst into tears. Finally, Knudson managed to say, “I’m gay.”
His mother immediately blurted out, “oh, thank God! I thought you had cancer!”
His parents’ next question was, “how can we make this easier for you?” Overwhelmed with relief, Knudson replied, “just continue to be the loving parents you’ve always been.” That weekend, he introduced his parents to a number of his gay friends. Later, when he met his partner and introduced him to his parents, they adopted him like he was another son.
May all parents have the same supportive, loving response as Knudson's! Click here to enjoy the radio interview.
Living the Difference is a must-read for family and friends of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans) people. For those in the community, the book offers a sense of connection and belonging. Knudson is using his book as a vehicle to promote education, understanding, & acceptance, which will lead to equality, especially in marriage.
J.C. Knudson Lives the Difference, Brings Experience to Memoir of Being Gay in America
Editorial reviews of Knudson's book call Living the Difference "a fascinating journey no gay author has been able to capture to date," "conquering the final frontier of bigotry and prejudice," and "filled with love, hate, joy, sorrow and much more."
Living the Difference is an important resource for young gay men living with fear, shame or self-loathing; or for anyone coming to terms with a friend or family member's coming out. Knudson told his story not to shock, offend or "convert" anyone, but simply to lay out a roadmap for acceptance. The book lights a candle against the darkness of ignorance.
Click here for the Author blog site, The Gayly Blogger.
Click here for the book, Living the Difference.