YES! We won Marriage Equality in New York! Join our international popcorn party to celebrate.
If you support same-sex marriage, we invite you to:
If you support same-sex marriage, we invite you to:
1) Click "share" icons above, right
2) Comment below about why you're celebrating marriage in New York, or what was your biggest "aha" moment or "haha" (funny) moment for equality.
3) Join our free gay-friendly social network by clicking here and clicking "f connect". Share pics, videos, or stories about Marriage Equality in our brand new group, "I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same-Sex Marriage".
4) At 6:30 pm ET (New York time) on Wednesday June 29,
click here to join the real-time discussion on-line and click here to hear the radio show.
Thanks! You make a difference.
Sharon Love, CEO (Chocolate Eating Officer)
OUTstanding Lives Network
2) Comment below about why you're celebrating marriage in New York, or what was your biggest "aha" moment or "haha" (funny) moment for equality.
3) Join our free gay-friendly social network by clicking here and clicking "f connect". Share pics, videos, or stories about Marriage Equality in our brand new group, "I Bet We Can Find 1,000,000 People who Support Same-Sex Marriage".
4) At 6:30 pm ET (New York time) on Wednesday June 29,
click here to join the real-time discussion on-line and click here to hear the radio show.
Thanks! You make a difference.
Sharon Love, CEO (Chocolate Eating Officer)
OUTstanding Lives Network