OUTstanding Lives.org: Gay & LGBT-friendly Master Classes Online, Music Videos, Events, Online Fest, Entrepreneurship, Speaker & Consultant Certification Programs. Free Secrets to Triple Your Income & Your Free Time. Triple Your Freedom! Be happy & gay, g
Yes! You can free your dreams & free your vision with Your Four Secrets of OUTstandingLives.
Do you ever feel like your passion is trapped in a closet? Did you ever get the discouraging messages that ...you were "not good enough" to live your deepest dreams? ...your vision was "impossible" because you didn't have the money, time, talent or support you needed? ...your passions were "sinful" and/or "not important"? ...you deserved to be bullied or rejected, just for being you?
I used to feel like my vision was trapped in a closet... on the Titanic! I got all these messages, too... before I discovered Your Four Secrets and inspired 2 million people to support equality.
If you are a gay-friendly visionary (open-minded creative artist, activist, leader, speaker or entrepreneur), these Four Secrets are for you. Yes! You can join even if you are heterosexual. I'm very open-minded. Some of my best friends are straight! ;) If you support equality, I WANT YOU
...to join us!Together we, can change the world.
Hi, I'm Sharon Love, the former "mute girl" who inspired millions to support same-sex marriage. When I was a child, my father was a powerful Christian minister who fought against gays & lesbians ever working as ministers in the Presbyterian Church. Not only did I feel rejected due to prejudice, but my family was so poor, that I wore my older brother's ugly old hand-me-down pants until they were half way up my shins because they were far too small. I got ridiculed for that. In high school, after enduring years of bullying and anti-gay prejudice, I was so painfully shy l earned the reputation as the "kid who can't even talk." In my twenties, I was devastated when my cousin came out to his parents, then took his own life. I got fired a number of times when people found out I dated women. Later, my self-esteem was so crushed, I even became homeless.
To break out of my shell, I did 20 over years of research into of the habits of World's Greatest Visionary Millionaires, including Ellen, Oprah, Obama, Spielberg, and Lady Gaga. Over time, I discovered patterns. I call them Your Four Secrets of OUTstanding Lives.
With Your Four Secrets, I funded my "craziest" dreams to travel the world, give presentations to thousands of people in Spanish, French and English, earn a Master's degree in Multicultural Psychology from the nation's top school, and launch a two million member network for same-sex marriage equality. Yes, it's true... I'm the one who the bigots said would cause the extinction of the human race (because who will still be heterosexual & have babies if we allow marriage equality? Were they closet cases or what!?)
Did you see the facebook group, I Bet We can find 1,000,000 People who Support Same -Sex Marriage? I launched it on January 31, 2010, and in just over 2 weeks we reached over 2 million members. We outperformed a multi-million dollar charity and many multimillion dollar corporations, with no advertising at all. Gay- friendly people rock!
Together, weunited & empowered activists worldwide, saved lives of bullied gay youth, collected 60,000 petition signatures for equality, attracted over a quarter million hits on my gay-friendly website, and inspired a few wackoes, too. ;) Would you like to learn my Four Secrets so you, too, can inspire millions and freak out the homophobes, or better yet, entice them out of their closets?
Would you like the Four Secrets I also used to help gay-friendly visionaries, entrepreneurs & charities raise millions of dollars to make a difference? Would you like to launch your own easy gay-friendly online self-employment or fundraising project today for a donation of just $5 or more? If you would like to thrive by making a difference, you canclick here.You will get:
1) Your Four Secrets e-learning Master Class Online, in which you will learn Your Four Secrets to OUTstanding Freedom. Enjoy 10-15 minutes of powerful secrets, questions, checklists, and self-rating quizzes that can change your life. You can...
2) Easy Partnership Systemto Fund Your Dreams & Vision and save you years of time. I researched success secrets for 20 years. With my easy system, you can launch your gay-friendly self-employment or funding project today! You will get funding affiliate partnership links to earn 50% of all referrals you send, inspiring graphics you can use if you want, and videos all done for you. This system has one level. Everyone in it is an equal partner.
4) You will make a difference when you pay by donation of just $5 or more to Support our OUTstanding You Videos. For every $1,000 I raise, I create a free Youtube video for equality & pride worldwide.
5)Special free bonus for you today! If you are one of the first 100 people who join, you will also get a free bonus invitation to a Gay-friendly Visionaries Worldwide Funding Summit Webinar to answer your questions support your success.
Yes! I have a dream... and a gay agenda! Your donation will help support your dreams, and also support our free music videos to inspire freedom & pride worldwide. Bet we can reach a billion views! Imagine a world of human rightsfor all people of all sexual orientations and gender identities... a world where every child is welcome, where every person is respected, and even Ernie & Bert can get married. I have a dream that some day even the pope will bless same-sex weddings, and join in to dance in his pretty white dress. Together, we can make a difference.
Your First Free Secret to OUTstanding Lives is to create a GREAT Vision that benefits you, other people, and the planet. Dare to dream... What would you do if you had $1,000,000 to have fun making a difference? Free your dreams and free your world with Your Four Secrets to Outstanding Freedom.
Thanks! You make a difference. Join us to take over the world & make it gay-friendly!