2) Copy your favourite line(s) below* for marriage equality...
*Love is love.
*We have a dream...
*Marriage is a civil right.
*Obama, you were born because prejudiced marriage laws were abolished.
3) click here to post your "e-march for equality" comment on Obama's wall (you'll need to click "like" to post)...
Thanks! YOU make a difference
* More Slogans to Choose from....
God loves gays & LGBT, and so do I.
Obama, what if one of your daughters is lesbian or bisexual? Will you support her civil right to marry?
Obama, we have a dream. Do you?
God loves gays. She made us this way.
We celebrate equality in New York. Thanks also for supporting equality by ending DADT. Now, please support equal marriage everywhere. Thanks!
Obama, Obama, let us marry who we wanna!
Together, we can create civil rights for ALL Americans of all colours, all sexual orientations, and all gender identities.
Obama, Obama, let Mamma marry Mamma!
God loves gays. She made them that way.
Black, white, gay, straight. Equality for love, not for hate.
Obama, someone you love is gay. Will you support their civil rights?
Obama, YOU make a difference.
* Please feel free to add your own slogans below in the comments section. We will publish the most original ones.
Thanks! YOU make a difference.