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You, Too, Can Reach Millions!
Grow Your Results with Motivational Media Coaching

Click here to sign up for our gay-friendly e-newsletter with free media coaching tips, events & inspiring stories.
To join our Free Intro Master Class, click here. Learn part of the First Secret of Inspiring Millions.
You, too, can inspire millions of people at no cost. Enjoy media coaching to learn essential skills & strategies to:
* Get enthusiastic prospects to call you
* Attract speaking opportunities or clients quickly and easily
* Dramatically increase your income
* Save time & money are marketing
* Make a difference
* Clarify your goals
* Motivate millions through social media
* Inspire action through videos or speaking
* Enhance your communications
* Attract countless people to your web site
* Create great business relationships
To enjoy our Self-paced Independent Webinar right now, click on this Master Class link, and also click here for the audio.
"My Guarantee is over 100 Times Return on Investment. If you follow all my suggestions and complete every assignment, I guarantee that every dollar that you invest with me will come back to you 100 times over or more, within a year. For a single session, you will earn at least $10,000 more from a single session or I will give you an additional coaching session at no charge. Also, I can save you many years of time. You don't have to spend 20 years researching communications & social media or completing a Master of Education degree in Psychology. I've done that for you, so you can reach your goals quickly and easily."
Sharon Love, M.Ed.
Phone: 416-693-5683
For a chance to win a free introductory 5-minute phone coaching session in which you learn the first secret of motivating millions, call 416-693-5683, skype outstanding.lives or click here to sign up.
To join our Free Intro Master Class, click here. Learn part of the First Secret of Inspiring Millions.
You, too, can inspire millions of people at no cost. Enjoy media coaching to learn essential skills & strategies to:
* Get enthusiastic prospects to call you
* Attract speaking opportunities or clients quickly and easily
* Dramatically increase your income
* Save time & money are marketing
* Make a difference
* Clarify your goals
* Motivate millions through social media
* Inspire action through videos or speaking
* Enhance your communications
* Attract countless people to your web site
* Create great business relationships
To enjoy our Self-paced Independent Webinar right now, click on this Master Class link, and also click here for the audio.
"My Guarantee is over 100 Times Return on Investment. If you follow all my suggestions and complete every assignment, I guarantee that every dollar that you invest with me will come back to you 100 times over or more, within a year. For a single session, you will earn at least $10,000 more from a single session or I will give you an additional coaching session at no charge. Also, I can save you many years of time. You don't have to spend 20 years researching communications & social media or completing a Master of Education degree in Psychology. I've done that for you, so you can reach your goals quickly and easily."
Sharon Love, M.Ed.
Phone: 416-693-5683
For a chance to win a free introductory 5-minute phone coaching session in which you learn the first secret of motivating millions, call 416-693-5683, skype outstanding.lives or click here to sign up.
Single Session of Media Coaching to Grow Your Results
* enjoy twenty minutes of one-to-one coaching
* by phone or skype, or in person in Toronto
* make a difference (coaching proceeds support the OUTstanding Youth on-line programs)
Enjoy Coaching on Creating your OUTstanding Story. Learn the First Secret of the Blockbuster Formula™ (based on Sharon Love’s research into the best selling movies of all times). Learn to craft your own unique, inspiring true story using two Secrets. Share this story in your website, window, social media, marketing, networking, press releases and/or conversations with friends and customers. Create a buzz about your business. Write the script for a video. Attract word of mouth marketing and referrals easily. Watch your sales soar! Each session is 20 minutes. $99. Certificate included.
Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Register today to enjoy a bonus free Bronze OUTstanding Partnership
* by phone or skype, or in person in Toronto
* make a difference (coaching proceeds support the OUTstanding Youth on-line programs)
Enjoy Coaching on Creating your OUTstanding Story. Learn the First Secret of the Blockbuster Formula™ (based on Sharon Love’s research into the best selling movies of all times). Learn to craft your own unique, inspiring true story using two Secrets. Share this story in your website, window, social media, marketing, networking, press releases and/or conversations with friends and customers. Create a buzz about your business. Write the script for a video. Attract word of mouth marketing and referrals easily. Watch your sales soar! Each session is 20 minutes. $99. Certificate included.
Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
Register today to enjoy a bonus free Bronze OUTstanding Partnership
Series of Ten Sessions of Media Coaching to Grow Your Results
* ten sessions of twenty minutes of one-to-one coaching (two hundred minutes total)
* by phone or skype, or in person in Toronto
* make a difference (coaching proceeds support the OUTstanding Youth programs)
Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
"My Guarantee is over 100 Times Return on Investment. If you follow all my suggestions and complete every assignment, I guarantee that every dollar that you invest with me will come back to you 100 times over or more, within a year. For a series of ten sessions, you will earn at least $80,000 more or I will give you three additional coaching sessions at no charge. Also, I can save you many years of time. You don't have to spend 20 years researching communications & social media or completing a Master of Education degree in Psychology. I've done that for you, so you can reach your goals quickly and easily."
Sharon Love, M.Ed.
Phone: 416-693-5683
Enjoy a free Silver OUTstanding Partnership if you sign up today
* by phone or skype, or in person in Toronto
* make a difference (coaching proceeds support the OUTstanding Youth programs)
Use an OUTstanding Partner Seal of Approval for ten months to earn recognition for supporting our gay-friendly TV and radio shows.
"My Guarantee is over 100 Times Return on Investment. If you follow all my suggestions and complete every assignment, I guarantee that every dollar that you invest with me will come back to you 100 times over or more, within a year. For a series of ten sessions, you will earn at least $80,000 more or I will give you three additional coaching sessions at no charge. Also, I can save you many years of time. You don't have to spend 20 years researching communications & social media or completing a Master of Education degree in Psychology. I've done that for you, so you can reach your goals quickly and easily."
Sharon Love, M.Ed.
Phone: 416-693-5683
Enjoy a free Silver OUTstanding Partnership if you sign up today