World Equality Fest On-Line

What if you could reach over 50,000 people per year with your message, and make a difference for equality?
Last March, we reached 2.2 million gay-friendly people (click the number to see the group) , with no budget. If you agree that love is love, please join our on-line arts festival and media launch this month by becoming an OUTstanding Partner to World Equality Fest, enjoying P.R. to achieve your dreams & goals, and reaching out to the gay-friendly community for just $1 or more.
YES! We can create justice. Dare to dream of a world of equality for all. Our goal is to save lives by inspiring thousands of people to enjoy the festival and sign our petition promoting UN Human Rights for all. Together, we can make a difference. In fact, together, we can make history.
Support Marriage Pride & OUTstanding Youth
We appreciate your support! A portion of the revenues from Word Equality Month will help support Marriage Pride (click here for details). and a portion will support OUTstanding Youth (click here for details) programs which help save lives. Thanks! You make a difference.
Last March, we reached 2.2 million gay-friendly people (click the number to see the group) , with no budget. If you agree that love is love, please join our on-line arts festival and media launch this month by becoming an OUTstanding Partner to World Equality Fest, enjoying P.R. to achieve your dreams & goals, and reaching out to the gay-friendly community for just $1 or more.
YES! We can create justice. Dare to dream of a world of equality for all. Our goal is to save lives by inspiring thousands of people to enjoy the festival and sign our petition promoting UN Human Rights for all. Together, we can make a difference. In fact, together, we can make history.
Support Marriage Pride & OUTstanding Youth
We appreciate your support! A portion of the revenues from Word Equality Month will help support Marriage Pride (click here for details). and a portion will support OUTstanding Youth (click here for details) programs which help save lives. Thanks! You make a difference.
You're OUTstanding! Let the World Know it.
Join the Dream and Reach Out to the Community
How much P.R. recognition would you like? Which level works best for you? Each of these options includes recognition on this festival site, along with a "Social Media Snowball Effect Strategy", with sharing options on Twitter & Facebook. Docs & music videos will also be posted on YouTube for sharing to maximize your results. For details on World Equality Month, see "OUTstanding News". Scroll down for outreach opportunities. Thanks! You make a difference.
Your Name in our "You're OUTstanding!" List
Thanks with your name in a list on our web site, OUTstanding, under the blog, "You're OUTstanding!" You and others will be able to share the list through Facebook and Twitter. We will also post it on the wall of our 2.2 million member group. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
OUTstanding Networker: Ten Words & Link
$10: (networker): Publish a description of your choice to help you live your dreams (eg. "lesbian owned eco-friendly cleaning products"or "gay-friendly IT manager seeks work in Colorado"), with your link to your gay-friendly web site / blog / fb page or e-mail on our web site. It will appear under the blog, "You're OUTstanding!" We will also post the link on the wall of our 2.2 million member group. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Bronze OUTstanding Partner: Story, Link & Pic
$100: (bronze): You can publish your pre-edited inspiring story, tips or article about you, your business,or your creative project. We will post it in our "You're OUTstanding page" in the Bronze section (up to 500 words). We will also post it on the wall of our 2.2 million member group. We will post a photo of you, pic of your product or your logo on a blog, to encourage people to share it on Facebook and Twitter. You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Bronze Plus OUTstanding Partner: Radio Show
$350. ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS...we will do a radio interview with you, about why you support World Equality Month and why you're OUTstanding, and post it on our 2.2 million member site and our web site. You will have permission to post the radio interview on your site, pages, and social networks as well. You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions.
Silver OUTstanding Partner: Radio Show & Media
$1,000 (silver): ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS... You will earn recognition in our press release to over 100 of the world's biggest media outlets. Also, we will send a link to your radio interview to our 13,000 member e-news magazine subscribers. You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Gold OUTstanding Partner: Doc or Music Video, & Media Launch
$10,000 (Gold): ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS... we will create a 1-minute documentary OR either music video, promoting your support of World Equality Month and why You're OUTstanding! You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button to pay, then register by clicking here.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Star OUTstanding Partner: 5 minute Doc or Original Music Video & Big Media Launch

$100,000. As above, plus we will create a second show, either a 5- minute documentary OR music video, promoting your support of World Equality Month and why You're OUTstanding! You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Register by clicking here.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Title OUTstanding Partner: 20 minute Doc or Original Music Video, Big Media Launch, Live Event

We will create either a 20-minute documentary OR music video, promoting your support of World Equality Month and why You're OUTstanding! Enjoy a Media Launch to to 1,000+ journalists in your target market, press conference and live event for over one hundred leaders of the LGBTF community. You will have permission to use our "OUTstanding Partner" logo, above, to earn community recognition for one year. Feel free to contact us by phoning 416-693-5683 or e-mailing us if you have questions. Register by clicking here.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Thanks! You're OUTstanding.
Together, We Can Make a Difference.
In Fact, Together, We Can Make History.
Last year, OUTstanding reached millions with zero funding. With funding, we aim to inspire ten million people to view the videos and participate in the on-line festival. With $5,000 of funding or more, we will create a video and media launch to reach millions...
. create an inspiring World Equality Month video to post worldwide in social and mainstream media
. launch World Equality Month with a press release to over 100 of the world's top media outlets, and over fifty of the world’s top LGBTF (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Friends) media outlets
. offer up to twenty-five press and media interviews worldwide in French, English and Spanish
. create and send a World Equality Month e-newsmagazine to our 13,000 subscribers
Summary of OUTstanding OUTreach Options
$1 Your Name will be featured in our "You're OUTstanding!" List
$10 OUTstanding Networker: Your Ten Words & Link published in our networking list blog
$100 Bronze OUTstanding Partner: Story, Link & Pic in your own individual blog post
$1,000 Silver OUTstanding Partner: Radio Show & Media Launch to dozens of journalists
$10,000 Gold OUTstanding Partner: 1 min. Doc or Music Video & Media Launch to 100+ journalists
$100,000 Star OUTstanding Partner: 5 minute Doc or Original Music Video & Media Launch to 1,000+ journalists, press conference, Social Media Giant Snowball Effect Strategy
$1,000,000 Title OUTstanding Partner: 20 minute Doc or Original Music Video & Media Launch to to 1,000+ journalists, press conference and live event for over one hundred leaders of the LGBTF community, Social Media Giant Snowball Effect Strategy
$10 OUTstanding Networker: Your Ten Words & Link published in our networking list blog
$100 Bronze OUTstanding Partner: Story, Link & Pic in your own individual blog post
$1,000 Silver OUTstanding Partner: Radio Show & Media Launch to dozens of journalists
$10,000 Gold OUTstanding Partner: 1 min. Doc or Music Video & Media Launch to 100+ journalists
$100,000 Star OUTstanding Partner: 5 minute Doc or Original Music Video & Media Launch to 1,000+ journalists, press conference, Social Media Giant Snowball Effect Strategy
$1,000,000 Title OUTstanding Partner: 20 minute Doc or Original Music Video & Media Launch to to 1,000+ journalists, press conference and live event for over one hundred leaders of the LGBTF community, Social Media Giant Snowball Effect Strategy