Please comment below and share this blog. Together, we can reach ten million people with gay-friendly events that inspire freedom and pride worldwide. By the way, you can enjoy these events for free (you can sign up on the link to the right). What do you think of this...?
You make an OUTstanding difference! Thank you so much for inspiring me to create a 2,100,000 (yes, over 2 million) member network* that LOVES you. Could you please spare 60 seconds to support same-sex marriage and save the world's biggest fb group for equality?
Yes, you inspired me to create this network for same-sex marriage. We'd love you to speak to our members on our on-line radio show & events. Even if all you have is 60 seconds to talk with us, it will be much appreciated by our members, especially the OUTstanding Youth members. If you speak to us soon, hopefully you will help give us media attention to save the group, so facebook doesn't archive it (delete it).*
Thanks for inspiring me to create the world's biggest gay-friendly facebook group*. Over and over, I said to myself, “Ellen came out, and everybody loves her.” I love your show, your humour and your brilliant approach to making a difference for LGBT youth. Our new goal at OUTstanding Lives Network is to reach ten million people with gay-friendly events that inspire freedom and pride worldwide. We are a social purpose enterprise with a goal of doing well by doing good. We’d love to have you as a guest on our phone-in global radio show. It would mean so much to us and to the LGBT youth in our network (if you can spare five minutes or more we will be ecstatic). All it takes is a quick phone call. Please call me at 416-693-5683 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 416-693-5683 end_of_the_skype_highlightingto let me know when you have a minute or two).
I’ll never forget howling at your coming out
episode with a room full of lesbians, all thrilled to watch you make history by reaching 46 million viewers in one night. After, I walked around downtown holding my girlfriend’s hand and beaming with pride. You changed the world, and my life, forever that night. Over and over I say to myself, “Ellen came out, and everyone loves her.” When I saw you win all those awards, I had tears of bliss pouring down my face. At that moment, I knew that I could make a big difference, too.
Our programs also save lives of LGBT youth. I wish
my cousin had seen your success; he might have made a different choice had he had your example when he was in his 20s (he took his life soon before your coming out episode). Ever then, I was obsessed with saving lives of bullied gay youth. I vowed to create a place on-line where youth could go from around the world to find a sense of belonging, self-esteem and support. It took me eighteen attempts and thousands of hours of volunteer work before I managed to create the world’s biggest gay-friendly facebook group. I faced death threats, but I didn’t lose hope. Repeatedly, I said to myself, “Ellen came out, and everyone loves her.”
Now, I’m writing a book about Secrets of the World’s Greatest Leaders, and you are my primary example. We’d so love to have you as a guest on our phone-in global radio show, OUTstanding Lives Network. It would mean so much to us and to the LGBT youth in our network (if you can spare five minutes or more we will be ecstatic). All it takes is a quick phone call. Please call me at 416-693-5683to let me know when you have a minute or two). Just name a time, and I will create an event about you. For more information, you can visit outstandinglives.org (please note the .org and look for the rainbow banner so you get the right site).
By the way, I’d also love to be on your show some
day, to help save our 2 million member group so that facebook doesn’t archive it (delete it). Thank you so
much. You make an OUTstanding difference!
* Here's the link to to our group... http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=283600686512
Sharon Love, M.Ed., President
OUTstanding Lives Network
Phone: 416-693-5683