The question: "Can Girls Marry Girls and Can Boys Marry Boys?" It's 1973. I'm debating with two other five-year-olds on the sidewalk. I'm thinking, "this feels really important", but I don't know why...
Finally, after much lively discussion, we conclude that yes, girls CAN marry girls and boys CAN marry boys. Here's why (get this logic)...Wilma is married to Betty and Fred is married to Barney.
As kids, we think marriage is about friendship. Caring. Emotional intimacy. Doing things together. It's not about what's on a piece of paper. It's about what's in the heart. We know who cares about whom on the Flintstones, and we know who is really, emotionally, married to whom.
Wilma & Betty. Married. Fred & Barney. Same-sex couple. Simple. Clear. Of course we can have same-sex marriage. Aren't most best friends of the same sex? Yes, they love each other. Love is love. Marriage is about love. So of couse, everyone can marry. Simple.
Reflecting back, I wonder... what if we all had the deep insight of five-year-olds? What if we all looked to our hearts for answers? What if we all said "yes" to love?
I also can't help but wonder... Who knew that Fred Flintstone was a gay icon!?
; ) Love,
xo Sharon
Finally, after much lively discussion, we conclude that yes, girls CAN marry girls and boys CAN marry boys. Here's why (get this logic)...Wilma is married to Betty and Fred is married to Barney.
As kids, we think marriage is about friendship. Caring. Emotional intimacy. Doing things together. It's not about what's on a piece of paper. It's about what's in the heart. We know who cares about whom on the Flintstones, and we know who is really, emotionally, married to whom.
Wilma & Betty. Married. Fred & Barney. Same-sex couple. Simple. Clear. Of course we can have same-sex marriage. Aren't most best friends of the same sex? Yes, they love each other. Love is love. Marriage is about love. So of couse, everyone can marry. Simple.
Reflecting back, I wonder... what if we all had the deep insight of five-year-olds? What if we all looked to our hearts for answers? What if we all said "yes" to love?
I also can't help but wonder... Who knew that Fred Flintstone was a gay icon!?
; ) Love,
xo Sharon