Join us to produce a new music video. It will be like this introductory video to the left, but longer (3-4 minutes) and with inspiring words: Your sister, father, brother, Your cousin or your mother, We're everywhere in every way, Someone you love is gay. Love is love... Yes, love wins... The song will continue on to include bisexual, trans and friendly straight people. You can earn recognition for supporting our upcoming video.Click here Thanks! You make a difference. YES! We Can Attract 10,000,000 Video Views for Gay Pride & Marriage Freedom. Would you like to... * support marriage freedom worldwide? * attract people to your gay-friendly cause, business, creative project, or favourite charity? * inspire pride and help save lives of bullied gay youth? Join the dream.Together, we can create free gay-friendly videos that change the world, while advancing your personal dreams and goals, too. Please 1) click to share this blog 2) enjoy the video about the First Secret to inspiring millions online. 3) Click here to Earn Recognition here for supporting our upcoming gay-friendly music videos.You can list on our website and/or hire us to create an inspiring video about you. It's free to list your name only, and by donation to list your link & description (which helps raise funds for our gay-friendly music videos)... List on OUTstanding Lives Network web site. We get over 100,000 hits per year and growing! You can support the arts, and support gay pride & freedom. By donation (which helps raise funds for our gay-friendly music videos)... Click here. THANKS! YOU make a difference. See EFT Coaching by Phone for more information... Coming out as gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans (GLBT) can be a struggle. It can also be a struggle for families of the person who has come out. The GLBT person has likely agonized over the decision to "tell" for some time. And parents may find themselves battling with their children AND their own feelings. For those who are I provide Emotional Coaching for mothers and fathers. Sessions can take place by phone or skype. I offer a parents safe place to talk and tools that will help them feel better about themselves AND their children. I'm a certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, a life coach, a mother and a grandmother. If you would like a free e-book or more information, please visit ***** Many thanks to Linda Audette for her incredible healing massage, without which this site would not have been possible. Linda Audette won an award as Aboriginal Business Woman of the year. I can see why. After five years of almost constant pain from carpal tunnel, this is probably the best treatment I've found out of over one hundred things I've tried. She found all the tight spots and dug right in with her surprisingly strong hands. Who knew this warm, gentle soul was such a powerhouse! The Native music and wisdom was a beautiful addition. I felt completely pampered. Click here for more info on Linda's massages. DiversityTraining and Consulting for Schools and Workplaces At Building Equitable Environments, our passion is helping people connect across difference, in order to help create environments where people can thrive. Our workshops, presentations and coaching (in person or online) deal with diversity broadly, raising awareness from the inside out. Our specialty is creating LGBT*-inclusive spaces. Creating inclusive environments in the workplace can increase engagement, teamwork and productivity that can transform how you work as well as who you reach.Inclusive schools are safer for students and staff, which impacts self esteem, engagement and success. * Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender For more information: Phone 416 910 8653 Eastern Standard Time info(at) You can make a living from making a difference. In fact, you, too can inspire millions online. Enjoy & share this video on same-sex marriage. Every FEW SECONDS, over 10,000 more people joined to support it! |
YES! We Can Attract 10,000,000 Video Views for Gay Pride & Marriage Freedom. Would you like to...
* support marriage freedom worldwide? * inspire pride and help save lives of bullied gay youth? * attract people to your gay-friendly cause, business, creative project, or charity? List on OUTstanding Lives Networkweb site. We get over 100,000 hits per year and growing! You can support the arts, and support gay pride & freedom. By donation (which helps raise funds for our gay-friendly music videos)...Click here. FREE: List your name only, with no link (up to 4 words), and share the page. $10 List your name, link, and ten-word descriptionon our page. $100 List your name, link, and 100-word description on our page. $999 Inspiring Video about You... As above, plus we will make an inspiring 30-second video about you with up to 3 pics that you provide, and voice or non-customized music that we add. Award-wining Youtube artist and writer Sharon Love MEd (Psychology)who inspired millions for same-sex marriage will help you attract a snowball effect online and get people raving about you. Please call us at 416-693-5683. For more advanced video or sponsorship options, please call us at 416-693-5683. For Every $10,000 we earn, we will create another free gay-friendly video or video prize for the community. Note that we are a social venture (not a charity) of gay-friendly creative artists aiming to make a living from making a difference. THANKS! YOU make a difference. BONUS: How the Mute Girl Inspired Millions You Can Get the First Secret for Free NowSign up for our free, inspiring Archives
September 2012