Member Movement?
Thanks so much for joining our movement! Together, we collected over 60,000 petition signatures which we sent to the UN and the White House, made a difference, created over 1,300 discussions, posted over 1,300 inspiring pics, and even saved lives of a number of bullied LGBT youth.
Now, fb is "archiving" (deleting) our same sex marriage group and deleting over 2 million members due to "insufficient activity", in spite of hundreds of posts per month. For months, the fb execs have not returned group creator Sharon Love's phone calls or emails about our petitions. Please post your comments below and/or vote with your clicks. Should we...
a) try to get more activity on the group to save it,
b) take our movement to YouTube and aim for ten million views on a video to support same-sex marriage
c) find someone in the group to write a press release and/or take over media relations (know
anyone) to save the group?
d) ask everyone to join our New Free Gay-Friendly Social Network.
e) other?
Thanks! YOU make a difference. -Sharon Love
You, Too, Can Inspire Millions to Support Same-Sex Marriage

to learn the First Secret to Marriage
Freedom, Pride and Prosperity for Free. Would you like to...
* support same-sex marriage and pride worldwide?
* make a living from making a difference?
* discover the First Secret to how a once mute girl inspired
millions to support equality?
* achieve your "impossible" dreams?
Please click here for free access to a fun & inspiring Master
Class on-line. Clarify your vision and goals. Overcome hidden obstacles to achieving your dreams.
We love your input. Please
1) share this e-news & secret
2) add any e-news, comments or questions below....
Thanks. YOU are OUTstanding!