1) sign our open petition below and
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Senator Sentorum, apologize for your homophobic remarks and come out! Signed...
![]() Senator Sentorum talks passionately about showering with gay men and sleeping near gay men. As Shakespeare said, "Methinks he dost protest too much"! Many homophobic people are closet case gays (Psychologists call this "reaction formation"). Please 1) sign our open petition below and 2) share it. Thanks! YOU make a difference. Senator Sentorum, apologize for your homophobic remarks and come out! Signed...
Andrew Bailis
10/10/2011 01:13:36 am
Senator Sentorium,
10/15/2011 11:18:26 am
The goals and intention of most LGBT organizations is to promote tolerance, encourage equality and create greater understanding about our issues.
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September 2012